# Tsunami ## Overview In this benchmark we model the propagation of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami by solving the shallow water equations. For the numerical solution of the PDE, we apply an ADER-DG method implemented in the [ExaHyPE framework](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107251). The aim is to obtain the parameters describing the initial displacements from the data of two available buoys located near the Japanese coast. ![Tsunami-Model](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UM-Bridge/benchmarks/main/docs/source/images/tohoku_full.png "Level Hierarchy for Tohoku Tsunami Model") ## Authors - [Anne Reinarz](mailto:anne.k.reinarz@durham.ac.uk) ## Run ``` docker run -it -p 4242:4242 linusseelinger/model-exahype-tsunami ``` ## Properties Model | Description ---|--- forward | Tsunami model ### forward Mapping | Dimensions | Description ---|---|--- inputSizes | [2] | x and y coordinates of a proposed tsunami origin outputSizes | [4] | Arrival time and maximum water height at two buoy points Feature | Supported ---|--- Evaluate | True Gradient | False ApplyJacobian | False ApplyHessian | False Config | Type | Default | Description ---|---|---|--- level | int | 0 | between 0 and 2, the model level to run (see below for further details) verbose | bool | false | switches text output on/off vtk_output | bool | false | switches vtk output to the /output directory on/off ## Mount directories Mount directory | Purpose ---|--- /output | VTK output for visualization ## Source code [Model sources here.](https://github.com/UM-Bridge/benchmarks/tree/main/models/exahype-tsunami) ## Description The underlying PDE model can be written in first-order hyperbolic form as $ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \begin{pmatrix} h\\hu\\hv\\ b \end{pmatrix} + \nabla \cdot \begin{pmatrix} hu & hv\\ hu^2 & huv\\ huv & hv^2 \\ 0 & 0\\ \end{pmatrix}+ \begin{pmatrix} 0\\ hg \, \partial_x (b+h)\\ hg \, \partial_y (b+h)\\ 0\\ \end{pmatrix}= 0, $ where - $h$ denotes the height of the water column, - $(u,v)$ the horizontal flow velocity, - $g$ gravity - $b$ denotes the bathymetry. This benchmark creates a sequence of three models: 1. First model: - bathymetry is approximated only by a depth average over the entire domain - pure DG discretisation of order 2 2. The second model: - DG discretisation with a finite volume subcell limiter allowing for wetting and drying - smoothed bathymetry data (Gaussian filter) 3. The third model: - DG discretisation with a finite volume subcell limiter allowing for wetting and drying - full bathymetry data - The bathymetry data has been obtained from [GEBCO](https://www.gebco.net/) - More details: [Reference Paper](https://doi.org/10.1145/3458817.3476150)